Plenary: CBE International Conference (Orlando, FL) Campus Sexual Violence Conference (St. Cloud, MN) Sociologists of Minnesota Conference (Inver Hills, MN) Human Trafficking in Minnesota: Safe Harbor Systems Moving Forward 2020 Conference (Breezy Point, MN) Shared Hope International JuST Conference (Saint Paul, MN) Power in Diversity Leadership Conference (St. Cloud, MN) Department of Corrections Sentence-to-Serve Conference (Little Falls, MN) MN Association of County Probation Officers statewide conference (Breezy Point, MN) Women at Risk International Conference (Rosemount, MN) MN Corrections Association Statewide Annual Training Institute (Nisswa, MN) Plenary: CentraCare Mental Health Conference Training (St. Cloud, MN) THRIVE Bridging The Gap Women's Conference (St. Cloud, MN) Keynote: Stearns-Benton Child Protection Conference (Collegeville, MN) MN Alliance of Rural Addiction Treatment Programs Statewide Conference (Willmar, MN) Plenary: Creating Safer Communities Conference (Elk River, MN) Plenary: The Statewide Conference on the Commission on the Status & Role of Women in the Church (St. Cloud, MN) Bridging The Gap Single Mom's Retreat (Alexandria, MN) Plenary: Wright County Sex Trafficking Conference (Buffalo, MN) Human Trafficking Coalition Conference (Mounds View, MN) Civilian First Responder Training (Minneapolis, MN) Proclaim Freedom Conference (Princeton, MN) Proclaim Freedom Conference (Sauk Rapids, MN) Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) Law Enforcement Sex Trafficking Training (Brainerd, MN) Global Social Responsibility Conference (St. Cloud, MN) Plenary: MN Social Service Association Regional Conference (Ogilvie, MN) Plenary: Minnesota Family, Career and Community Leaders of America Leadership Conference (Bloomington, MN) Emergency Nurses Association Conference (St. Cloud, MN) Parish Social Ministry Conference (Paynesville, MN) Celebration Church Joy Women’s Conference (Lakeville, MN) Aglow Women’s Conference (St. Cloud, MN)
Mental Health Professionals/Therapists
Adult Mental Health Initiative (St. Cloud, MN) Greater MN Family Services (statewide, MN) St. Cloud Hospital Inpatient Mental Health Unit/Behavioral Access (St. Cloud, MN) The Village Family Services (St. Cloud, MN) Nystrom & Associates (New Brighton, MN) Nystrom & Associates (St. Cloud, MN) Center for Family Counseling (St. Cloud, MN) College of St. Benedict's/St. John's University mental health/therapists (Collegeville, MN) Central MN Mental Health Center (Buffalo, MN) Central MN Mental Health Center (St. Cloud, MN) Central MN Mental Health Center (Monticello, MN) Central MN Mental Health Center (Elk River, MN) Central MN Mental Health Center (Waite Park, MN) Caritas Mental Health Center (St. Cloud, MN) School District 742 Mental Health & Social Workers (St. Cloud, MN) CORE Professional Services Training (Sartell, MN) Centracare Hospital Emergency Adult Mental Health Unit (St. Cloud, MN)
Child/Adult Protection & County Human Service Professionals
Wright County Health & Human Services (Buffalo, MN) Stearns County Human Services (Waite Park, MN) Stearns County Adult Protection (Waite Park, MN) Stearns-Benton Child Protection Task Force (St .Cloud, MN) Stearns County Truancy Task Force (Waite Park, MN) Stearns County Human Services (St. Cloud, MN) Children's Justice Initiative (Foley, MN) Benton County Department of Health & Human Services (Foley, MN) Sherburne County Adult Protection Unit (Elk River, MN) Sherburne County Health & Human Services (Elk River, MN) Sherburne County Safe Harbor Task Force (Elk River, MN)
Medical Professionals
St. Cloud Hospital (St. Cloud, MN) Paynesville Hospital (Paynesville, MN) Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (Sauk Rapids, MN) American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (St. Cloud, MN) CentraCare Family Clinic (St. Cloud, MN) SCTCC Registered Nurses (St. Cloud, MN) SCSU Nursing Program Faculty (St. Cloud, MN) Emergency Nurses Association (St. Cloud, MN)
Non-Profit Service Professionals
Lutheran Social Services (St. Cloud, MN) Salvation Army (St. Cloud, MN) Catholic Charities (St. Cloud, MN) Tri-County Action Program (St. Cloud, MN) United Way (St. Cloud, MN) Resource Employment Action Center (St. Cloud, MN) Kidstop/Boys & Girls Club (St. Cloud, MN) Cornerstone Options For Women (Saint Michael, MN) Birthline (St. Cloud, MN) Place of Hope (St. Cloud, MN) Open Doors for Youth (Elk River, MN) Pregnancy Resource Center (St. Cloud, MN)
Gender Violence Victim Advocacy Organizations
Central MN Sexual Assault Center (St. Cloud, MN) Anna Marie's Alliance Battered Women's Shelter (St. Cloud, MN) Terebinth Refuge (Waite Park, MN) Pearl Crisis Center (Milaca, MN) Safe Harbor (statewide staff) #NotANumber Curriculum Facilitation Training (St. Paul, MN) SCSU Women's Center (St. Cloud, MN) SCSU Sexual Assault Advocacy Training (St. Cloud, MN) Fierce Freedom (Altoona, WI)
Shelter/Residential/Treatment Center Staff
Maple Lake For Boys & Prairie House For Girls Residential Recovery (Maple Lake, MN) Catholic Charities Day Treatment (St. Cloud, MN) Village Ranch Child & Family Services (Annandale, MN) Annandale Intensive Residential Unit (Annandale, MN) Recovery Plus for Adolescents (St. Cloud, MN) Recovery Plus for Adults (St. Cloud, MN) Clara's House Youth Behavioral Treatment (St. Cloud, MN) Journey Home (Sauk Rapids, MN) 180 Degrees (Saint Cloud, MN) Pathways 4 Youth (St. Cloud, MN) Stepping Stone Shelter (Anoka, MN) Serenity Path (Paynesville, MN)
Professional Task Forces/Coalitions
National Association of Social Workers (St. Cloud, MN) Central MN Pastors Network (Sauk Rapids, MN) Homeless Concerns Coalition (St. Cloud, MN) St. Cloud Area Human Service Council (St. Cloud, MN) Stearns County Sex Trafficking Collaboration (St. Cloud, MN) Central Minnesota Human Trafficking Task Force (St. Cloud, MN) Sherburne County Safe Harbor Task Force (Elk River, MN) Wright County Safe Harbor Task Force (Buffalo, MN) Safe Schools (various locations)
Educators, Administrative, & School Staff
College of St. Benedict’s and St. John’s University (St. Joseph, MN) St. Cloud State University (St. Cloud, MN) Monticello High School (Monticello, MN) Sauk Rapids-Rice Middle School (Sauk Rapids, MN) School District 742 (St. Cloud, MN) North Junior High (St. Cloud, MN) Becker High School (Becker, MN) Albany, Sauk Centre, Paynesville and Melrose school social workers and staff (MN)
College Campuses/Higher Education
Saint Cloud State University (St. Cloud, MN)
Classes in the departments of Human Relations & Multicultural Education, Social Work, Political Science, Women's Studies, Criminal Justice, Human Sexuality, Community Health, College Counseling & Student Development, Mental Health Counseling, Community Psychology, Honors, and Intro to College courses
All athletics teams
All incoming international students
Greek life
Study abroad student orientation
Huskies First Four new student orientation
Multicultural Student Services Advanced Preparation Program
Residential life staff, hall directors, and resident advisors
Public safety department
Student affairs and advising staff
Various awareness events, marches, and rallies
University of St. John’s: Various awareness events (Collegeville, MN) College of St. Benedict’s: Psychology, gender studies, theology, and communication classes, and various awareness events (St. Joseph, MN) St. Cloud Technical & Community College: Women’s Studies, Social Justice & Diversity Classes, and awareness events (St. Cloud, MN) Crown College (St. Bonifacius, MN) Concordia College (Moorhead, MN) Macalester College (St. Paul, MN) Adler Graduate School (Richfield, MN) Minnesota School of Business & Globe University (Waite Park, MN) Kappa Phi Omega sorority (St. Cloud, MN) Delta Phi Omega sorority (St. Cloud, MN) Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity (St. Cloud, MN) Residence Hall Association (St. Cloud, MN)
High & Middle School Students
Roosevelt Alternative Learning Center (St. Cloud, MN) Monticello High School (Monticello, MN) Kimball High School (Kimball, MN) Melrose High School (Melrose, MN) St. Cloud Christian School (St. Cloud, MN) District 742 Community Options Program (St. Cloud, MN) Cathedral High School (St. Cloud) McKinley Alternative Learning Center (Waite Park, MN) Annandale High School (Annandale, MN) Girls 360 (St. Cloud, MN)
Lutheran Social Services Foster Parents Training (St. Cloud, MN) Rocori School District (Cold Spring, MN) Sartell School District (Sartell, MN) Princeton High School (Princeton, MN) Paynesville High School (Paynesville, MN) All Saints Academy/Cathedral High School (St. Cloud, MN) Albany High School (Albany, MN) Rogers High School (Rogers, MN) Melrose School District (Melrose, MN) Belgrade-Brooten High School (Belgrade, MN) Sauk Centre Middle/High School (Sauk Centre, MN) Circle of Parents group (St. Cloud, MN)
Faith Communities
Basilica of Saint Mary (Minneapolis, MN) Atonement Lutheran Church (St. Cloud, MN) Saint Francis Xavier (Sartell, MN) Christ Church Newman Center (St. Cloud, MN) Diocese of St. Cloud Parish Social Ministry Conference (Paynesville, MN) Interdenominational Abolitionist Network (Burnsville, MN) Christ Church (St. Cloud, MN) The Waters Church (Sartell, MN) Cru Campus Ministry (St. Cloud, MN) Celebration Lutheran Church (Sartell, MN) Christ Our Light Church (Princeton, MN) Avon Community Church (Avon, MN) Living Waters Lutheran Church (Sauk Rapids, MN) Trinity Lutheran Church (Sauk Rapids, MN) St. Anthony Church (St. Cloud, MN) Maranatha Church (Forest Lake, MN) First United Methodist Church (Sartell, MN) Discovery Church (Sauk Rapids, MN) Maywood Covenant Church (Foley, MN) Salem Lutheran Church (St. Cloud, MN) Zion Lutheran Church (Buffalo, MN) St. John the Baptist Church (Collegeville, MN) Westwood Community Church (St. Cloud, MN) Riverside Assemblies of God (Hutchinson, MN) St. Peter’s Church (Mendota Heights, MN) Bethlehem Lutheran Church (St. Cloud, MN)
Civic/Community Groups
American Association of University Women (St. Cloud, MN) League of Women Voters (St. Cloud, MN) Institute for Women's Leadership (Collegeville, MN) Safe Harbor 4 All Implementation Task Force (statewide, MN) Churches Stand Against Violence & Exploitation (St. Cloud, MN) Optimist Club (St. Cloud, MN) CERTS (St. Joseph, MN) Students Against Human Trafficking (St. Cloud, MN) Overcomers Community Group (St. Cloud, MN) Well-Armed Woman Groups (Waite Park, MN) Zonta Women's Club (St. Cloud, MN) Annandale Improvement Club (Annandale, MN) Delta Kappa Gamma (Sartell, MN) Tau Kappa Epsilon (St. Cloud, MN) Central MN Exchange Club (St. Cloud, MN) Students Against Trafficking & Sexploitation (St. Cloud, MN)
Capital One (St. Cloud, MN) Shear Dynamics (Waite Park, MN) GB & Company (Waite Park, MN)
Youth Groups
Pathways 4 Youth (St. Cloud, MN) Asian Girls Teen Retreat (St. Cloud, MN) Supportive Housing for Youth (Saint Cloud, MN) Open Doors for Youth (Elk River, MN) St. Cloud Area Kidstop and Boys & Girls Club (St. Cloud, MN) Catholic Charities SAIL Program (St. Cloud, MN) Catholic Charities SHY Program (St. Cloud, MN) Youth For Christ (St. Cloud, MN) Girls 360 (St. Cloud, MN) Avon Community Church (Avon, MN) Westwood Community Church (St. Cloud, MN) Discovery Church (Sauk Rapids, MN) "Word Search" youth program (St. Cloud, MN)
Youth/Adults in Residential/Treatment Programs
Maple Lake Residential Recovery for boys (Maple Lake, MN) Catholic Charities Day Treatment (St. Cloud, MN) Passageways (St. Cloud, MN) Village Ranch for Girls (Annandale, MN) Prairie House Residential Recovery for Girls (Monticello, MN) Annandale Intensive Residential Unit Training (Annandale, MN) Recovery Plus Adolescents (St. Cloud, MN) Recovery Plus Adults (St. Cloud, MN) Clara's House Behavioral Treatment for Youth (St. Cloud, MN) Journey Home (Sauk Rapids, MN) 180 Degrees (Saint Cloud, MN) Salvation Army (St. Cloud, MN) SAIL youth program (St. Cloud, MN) SHY youth program (St. Cloud, MN)
Police/Corrections Professionals
St. Cloud Police Academy Training (St. Cloud, MN) St. Cloud Police Department Investigators (St. Cloud, MN) Waite Park Police Department (Waite Park, MN) Stearns County Sex Offender Unit (St. Cloud, MN) MN Department of Corrections (St. Cloud, MN) MN Association of Community Corrections District (St. Cloud, MN) Law Enforcement Skills Training (St. Cloud, MN) Paynesville Police Department (Paynesville, MN) Stearns, Benton, Sherburne, and Wright County Sheriffs Stearns County Corrections (Waite Park, MN) St. Cloud City Attorney's Office (St. Cloud, MN) Wright county patrol, school resource officers, and investigators (Buffalo, MN)
Activist Events/Rallies
St. Cloud Women's March (St. Cloud, MN) End Demand 2020 March (St. Cloud, MN) We Believe Dr. Christine Blasey Ford Rally (St. Cloud, MN) Take Back The Night March, keynote speaker (St. Cloud, MN) Take Back The Night March (St. Cloud, MN) Stop Traffick & XXXploitation on Film Anti-Porn March (St. Cloud, MN) Students Against Trafficking & Sexploitation Meetings & Events (St. Cloud, MN) A Walk Together: Uniting Against Sex Trafficking event (Waite Park, MN)
Saint Cloud Times Sex Trafficking Panel (St. Cloud, MN) Human Trafficking Expert Panel (St. Joseph, MN) Journey To Freedom: St. Cloud Human Trafficking Prevention Panel Discussion (St. Cloud, MN) Teal Tuesday Camp Ripley Sexual Violence Speaker Series (Little Falls, MN)
Love146's #NotANumber Curriculum Facilitator Certification Training (St. Paul & St. Cloud, MN) Kandiyohi Human Trafficking Task force (Willmar, MN) Men Accountable for Sexual Exploitation program (Waite Park, MN) National Asian Pacific American Women's Forum Girl's Retreat (St. Cloud, MN) Saint Cloud Technical & Community College Sexual Assault Awareness Month Speaker (St. Cloud, MN) Women's Herstory Month event (St. Cloud, MN)